Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Home Organization New Year's Resolution

I am a resolution setter.  I am not, however, a resolution keeper.

Over and over again, as New Year's Day rolls around, I feel all sparkly and confident in the resolutions I set.

And then, not two weeks down the road, I realize that my "resolution" to eat healthy and exercise was derailed by a blueberry cake doughnut and a Real Housewife marathon and so, I'd better just quit and EAT MORE DOUGHNUTS...right?

Well, not this year.

This year, I'm kicking the "health" resolutions to the curb (or, at least not saying them out loud) and instead going to focus on something that I absolutely, positively *must* get done, resolution or not.

I'm going to organize the SHIZNIT out of this house.

We've been here for a year and a half now.  Claire was only six days old when we moved, so as you can imagine, home organization was low on the priority list.  And while we did get everything unpacked and put away in the first month or so, we just haven't got around to really organizing everything.

And so, that's my resolution.  I'm going to organize this house. Top to bottom, front to back.  It's time for this house to start coming together.

My first stop is going to be the drawers in the master bathroom.  Because they look like this:

See?  I have a lot of work to do (there are three more drawers like that one, plus a couple of very disorganized cabinets!).

Tomorrow, I think I'll brave Walmart (ohhhhh, nooooo...did I just say that?) in search of inexpensive organization tools.  And by the end of this week, I hope to show you my first completed project.

What are your New Year's Resolutions (or, are you one of those people who shall remain resolutionless?).


  1. I'm the Queen of Organization, but even I could use some new ideas from time to time. Check out this article: http://shialabeowulf.tumblr.com/post/33670447154/99-life-hacks-to-make-your-life-easier

    The wooden spoon over the pot of water does NOT work (for me, at least), but the key ring on the zipper saved my favorite pair of capri pants!

    If your house is anything like mine, you should have plenty of toilet paper tubes. Definitely try the cord organizer with 'em.

    1. Kasee, thank you for the link! More than anything, I want all the cords and wires organized. THEY DRIVE ME FREAKING NUTS. I made Charles promise that we wouldn't have cords everywhere in this house but OMG you should look behind our TV. So. Many. Cords. Drives me BATTY.

  2. I Live to organize! The Container Store is my Mecca. You can do it!
